Skill 2C
Tables and Rules: Count On Rule

"Count On" is a way of adding numbers that saves time.  It means that when you add two numbers, you are to start counting by saying the first number (silently), and then, count up the amount of the second number.  For example, if you are adding 2 + 3, the student would say the "2" aloud (a nice trick is to have them make a fist and shake it lightly while saying "2").  Then the student would add three fingers while counting up (so, altogether they would say, "2" (shaking the fist) then extend one finger while saying "3," extend another finger while saying "4," and extend the third finger while saying "5." Therefore 2 plus three fingers would be "5".  Since the last number said was "5," that is the answer.  In other words, with this method we are not starting with "1" but saying the first number in the problem (shaking the fist) and then adding the final number.  This differs from other counting methods by not starting with one.

Since a new concept is being taught here - If your student needs to draw pictures to get the answer, (or starts counting from 1 on his/her fingers) then the skill of “counting on” needs to be practiced

Look at the math rule in the blue section at the top of the table.
Do what it says to do with each number in the table and put this answer in the "End" box in the table.


Math Rule: Add 3

Start End