Skill 3B
Subtraction Facts: Subtracting from 1, 2 and 3

The goal should be to eventually have the student answer these facts from memory, although this doesn't typically happen until later grades.  In the meantime, students typically  need to calculate the answer by counting objects of some type.  While addition facts can typically be answered by counting figures - subtraction facts are answered by writing and crossing out "tally-marks" - objects of some kind - or by counting up on one's fingers.  Whichever method is used our main goal here is to insure the student simply understands the concept of subtraction with small numbers.  In other words, do they know that subtraction means to be "taking-away" something and that the answer will always be smaller.
If too much time is taken in calculating answers, the worksheet should be give for additional practice.

There are 4 subtraction facts on the screen. Answer them as I point to them.  Use whatever way you would like to get the answer.


3 - 0 =

2 - 1 = 3 - 1 = 1 - 0 =