Skill 3F Understanding "How Many Are Left?" A multi-step problem to determine if your student understands "how many are left" as well as filling in the operation in a subtraction number sentence. This type of picture word problem is used by many textbooks as a method for teaching subtraction word problems. It is used as a way for preparing students for future word problems without picture clues. For example, this problem first shows the total animals and then next to that is a graphic of the number that are leaving. This gives a better visual representation of the entire subtraction process and makes it easier for the student to associate the number sentence with the picture graphics. There are 4 cows standing in the group. If 2 cows walk away (as shown by the second group) - How many cows are left?
Before telling me the answer,
tell me if we should add or subtract to solve the problem?
If you'd like I can ask the question again. |
4 cows |
2 walk away | |||||
If we are going to subtract, |
4 2 = ____ |