FreeMath Grade 4

The index at left lists every math skill that should be taught in 4th Grade. If you would like to view another grade click the grade link at the top of the index. All skills beginning with a "1" coincide with what common math textbooks used across the country typically teach in the first week of school.  Skills beginning with a "2" are typically taught in the second week of school - etc.  This organizational approach gives you the information you need to insure students are learning the math skills they should be learning and at the proper time in the year.  You'll notice there are only 27 weeks of math skills in our index while the typical school year consists of 36 weeks.  This is because school math curriculums typically use the last nine weeks of school for reviewing previously taught material.  If your student does not need the review, you can simply move onto the next grade, thereby, advancing 25% further each year.  If you continue advancing through the summer you can see how you can greatly accelerate the math learning process.

How do I Get Started?
Click the grade you would like to access from the grade links at the top of the index. You will then see a complete text description of every math skill that should be taught for that grade during the school year.  Click on the numbered link next to the skill description to see a visual example of the type of problem used to teach the skill.  If your student(s) knows the skill just skip it and go to the next skill by clicking the NEXT button. If you want your student to practice the skill you can click the WORKSHEET button to print several pages of high quality practice activities that are identical to the example on the screen!

Teachers can use the index to identify and print skill worksheets for additional practice for the  classroom or homework.  It is especially helpful for providing additional practice on those more difficult math concepts.  The index can also be used as a curriculum guide as well, making sure your students are learning precisely what they should be learning in any given week in school.

Parents and teacher assistants can use FreeMath in a "one-on-one" situation to identify specific skills that a student has not mastered.  During testing you can print out the practice worksheets and staple together for a custom-tailored individual math improvement program!

We've invested hundreds of hours analyzing the most popular and successful math textbooks to bring you FreeMath.  Skills are organized according to the weeks they are typically taught in elementary schools across the country.  For example, SKILL 2A is typically taught in the 2nd week of school on Monday.  Skill 3D corresponds to what is taught during the end of  the 3rd week of school, etc.  How's that for organization!

Different Ways to Use FreeMath

Support for Your Current Math Program
While FreeMath is a total & complete Math curriculum, some of our clients find it an ideal support program for their current school curriculum because of the unique layout of the index and ability to pull up worksheets on the fly. Simply locate the skill from the index at left and click the WORKSHEET button for high quality practice materials.

Parent Confidence & Support
Teachers using FreeMath as their main curriculum can give parents passwords to access FreeMath so they can see precisely what their child is working on in any given week in school.  No more "I forgot to bring home my homework" as the parent can now download and print any homework you assign.

Identify Weak Skill Areas in Students
FreeMath is excellent for testing a student in a "one-on-one" setting to determine weak skill areas.  At the beginning of the school year, 2nd Grade teachers may wish to test their students on the 1st Grade skills - 3rd Grade teachers may wish to test 2nd Grade skills, etc. You can then easily print out practice materials on just what the student needs via the WORKSHEET button.  This avoids wasting time on already mastered skills.  

Full Scale Curriculum
Because of the sequential organization and attention to details, you can use FreeMath as your complete math curriculum.  Once you browse through the layout of FreeMath, you'll see why it makes an exceptionally powerful math program that can be used with complete confidence.   If you are working with students individually or in small groups, they can advance at their own pace, moving onto the next skill when ready.